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How to Perform Shopify DNS Forwarding?

    Shopify DNS routing refers to configuring the DNS (Domain Name System) settings required for a domain name to connect to Shopify. Below is a general guide with steps on how to point a domain to Shopify. However, when configuring your DNS settings, it is important to keep up to date with the user interfaces of your domain registrar or hosting provider, as interfaces may change over time.
  1. Log in to Your Shopify Account: Log in to your Shopify account.

  2. Access the Admin Panel: Go to the admin panel of your Shopify store.

  3. Select Your Store: If you have multiple stores, select the store for which you want to set up redirection.

  4. Navigate to Settings: Click on "Settings" in the left menu.

  5. Go to Domains: In the "Settings" page, navigate to the "Domains" section.

  6. Add an Existing Domain: Choose an option like "Add an existing domain."

  7. Enter Your Domain: Enter your existing domain. Shopify will provide instructions on which DNS records to configure to verify and connect your domain.

  8. Get Information for DNS Redirection: Shopify will provide the necessary DNS records, typically including an A record and a CNAME record, to verify and connect your domain.

  9. Configure DNS Settings in Your Domain Registrar: Go to your domain registrar's control panel and add or update the DNS records provided by Shopify. This process ensures that your domain is redirected to your Shopify store.

  10. Waiting Period: Keep in mind that changes to DNS settings may take 24 to 48 hours to propagate globally across DNS servers.

These steps provide a general guide for Shopify DNS redirection. However, depending on where you registered or host your domain, there might be specific considerations. It's always a good idea to check Shopify's support documentation or consult your domain provider's support resources for any particular instructions or updates.

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