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Com.tr required documents

If Name Surname Domain Name Allocation Will Be Made;

You only need to submit your TR ID number; in some cases, your ID photocopy may also be requested.

com.tr domains CANNOT be purchased without documentation!
You can get the domain namesuryad.com.tr, which contains only your name and surname, without any documents.

For all domains except adsoyad.com.tr, the title in your document must be compatible with the domain you will receive.

(EXAMPLE 1: If the company name is: Teknosos Bilişim ve Pazarlama ltd. şti, the domains you can purchase will be teknosos.com.tr, teknososbilisim.com.tr, teknosospazarlama.com.tr, teknosospazarlama.com.tr, teknososblisimvepazarlama.com.tr.)

(EXAMPLE 2: If the brand in the Trademark Registration is Teknosos Bilişim, the domains you can purchase are teknosos.com.tr, teknososbilisim.com.tr)

Required Documents if your company is a corporate company:

Trade registry gazette for the last 5 years or activity certificate for the last 6 months
Signature Circulars
Domain name allocation form (Blank sections must be filled in and submitted with other documents)

Required Documents if your company is a corporate entity:

Activity Certificate or Chamber registration copy for the last 6 months
Signature Circulars
Domain name allocation form (Blank sections must be filled in and submitted with other documents)

Required Documents if purchased with a trademark:

Trademark certificate or application document
Signature circular (if on company)
ID photocopy (if personal)
Domain name allocation form (Blank sections must be filled in and submitted with other documents)
Click for Domain Name Allocation Form

Click for Responsible Change Approval Form

You can see the details for documents belonging to some private sectors in the section below. (Such as hotel, newspaper, radio, TV, medicine name)

Documents required for some sectoral domains detailed below:

To create a portal for the relevant settlement, a request letter signed by the mayor for the applicant municipalities,

  • For foundations, associations or chambers, "Association Charter", "Foundation Deed" or "Establishment Law", (The first 3 and the last pages are sufficient.)

  • For hotels and holiday villages, "Tourism Business Certificate" obtained from the Ministry of Tourism,

  • For travel agencies, "Travel Agency Operating Certificate" obtained from the Ministry of Tourism,

  • For private teaching institutions, Ministry of National Education "Private Educational Institutions License",

  • For television programs, "Television Screening Certificate" obtained from the Ministry of Culture

  • For movie titles, registration certificate obtained from the General Directorate of Copyright and Cinema of the Ministry of Culture,

  • For artists, a member registration document from the professional association, association or chamber (MESAM, SESAM, ÇASOD, etc.) to which they are affiliated,

  • For private hospitals, "Private Hospital Opening and Responsible Directorate License" obtained from the Ministry of Health,
    For liaison offices, "Liaison Office Opening Certificate" obtained from the Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury General Directorate of Foreign Capital,

  • For organizations that act as distributors or representatives of a foreign organization in Turkey, a registration certificate for the applied domain name is required. In addition, a signed andstamped authorization document on the letterhead of the name owner company proving that the applied domain name can be acquired by the distributor or representative company,

  • For radios and televisions, an official letter from the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) stating the frequency allocation,

  • For magazines and newspapers, "the original of the magazine/newspaper" and "Certificate of Receipt of the Deposit Declaration",

  • For indefinite publications, the original of the publication,

  • For drug names, "Foreign Medical Preparations License",

  • For farms, registration certificate from the chamber of agriculture to which it is affiliated.

  • For ships, "Republic of Turkey Ship Certification"

  • For fairs, the "Ministry of Industry and Trade Fair Calendar Communiqué" published in the Official Gazette or the "Fair Permit Letter" received from the Ministry of Industry and Trade

  • For private numbers, "Special Service Number Allocation Certificate" obtained from the Turkish Telecommunications Authority

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