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Teknosos Mail Relay Service

HomepageTeknosos Mail Relay Service
Teknosos Mail Relay Service
Mailrelay Service is a reliable, powerful and easy-to-use messaging service that maximizes the deliverability of all your marketing or transactional emails.
Mailrelay Silver
  • Use on your own server
  • Let the management be entirely yours.
  • Plesk panel compatible
  • cPanel compatible
  • Directadmin compatible
  • Exchange compatible
  • Sending 10,000 emails per month
Mailrelay Gold
  • Use on your own server
  • Let the management be entirely yours.
  • Plesk panel compatible
  • cPanel compatible
  • Directadmin compatible
  • Exchange compatible
  • Sending 20,000 emails per month
Mailrelay Platinum
  • Use on your own server
  • Let the management be entirely yours.
  • Plesk panel compatible
  • cPanel compatible
  • Directadmin compatible
  • Exchange compatible
  • Sending 30,000 emails per month
Frequently Asked Questions

Teknosos Mailrelay is an email smart mail service that offers outgoing filtering. Emails are sent to Teknosos Mailrelay systems and analyzed for content. IP reputation is managed by Teknosos Mailrelay. Teknosos Mailrelay monitors all our IPs for blacklists and works with email providers through feedback loops and other abuse monitoring to ensure email delivery.

Yes, we do not have any limitations. If you wish, you can use the given e-mail limits all at once, all at once, or in the longer term.

Teknosos Mailrelay only signs the hostname of the mail server. Teknosos Mailrelay forwards the headers set by your server, including DKIM for your own sending domain. Domain DKIM signature sending occurs on your own server and is transmitted accordingly. DKIM is recommended to improve email delivery.

STARTTLS is required to send messages to Teknosos Mailrelay servers. Teknosos Mailrelay will always default to sending emails over TLS to receiving servers, but it is possible that some systems do not support TLS and on these systems messages will be delivered over unsecured connections.

If you provide the panel information you want to use immediately after your order, installation is provided within 2 to 4 hours.