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What is Cloudflare and what does it do?

HomepageArticlesGeneralWhat is Cloudflare and what does it...

Cloudflare serves as a crucial provider of security and performance services for websites. Its functions include protection against DDoS attacks, content delivery network (CDN) services, web application security, SSL/TLS encryption support, among other important features.

One of Cloudflare's primary functions is providing protection against DDoS attacks. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to render websites inaccessible by flooding servers with high volumes of traffic. Cloudflare detects such attacks and filters out attack traffic, thereby safeguarding the website.

Additionally, Cloudflare acts as a CDN (Content Delivery Network) provider. CDN distributes website content to servers worldwide, enabling users to load content more quickly. This enhances website performance and improves user experience.

Cloudflare also offers various tools for web application security. It helps prevent attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) on websites. Moreover, it protects web applications with features like Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Lastly, Cloudflare provides SSL/TLS encryption support. This allows websites to establish secure connections via the HTTPS protocol, ensuring the secure transmission of user data.

For these reasons, Cloudflare is an essential provider of security and performance services for websites.