These computers, which store information about your website and make it accessible to internet users, are called web servers, and the procedure of storing and publishing this information is called web hosting. Hosting literally means hosting. In other words, the pages, images or files that are intended to be published on any website are kept on a computer that internet users can access.
The documents you want to publish must be stored on a server that is specially produced for the purpose of publishing a website on the Internet, has an immediate connection to the Internet backbone, and can serve thousands of people at the same time. These computers cannot be the computers you use at home, because even if you have the necessary applications and hardware, your computer's internet connection speed will be insufficient for the process.For this reason, web hosting services are provided through structured systems to respond quickly and uninterruptedly 24/7.
Today, hosting is divided into two: "Linux" and "Windows".
Linux Hosting
It is a type of hosting performed by installing the Linux operating system on the server where the Web Hosting service is provided. Linux internet hosting offers high performance, stable and reliable service. Since it is PHP supported, it can work stably and reliably with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. It is also a type of hosting that can run Javascript, Java and Flash applications without any questions. This type of hosting increases the number of users every day with its long history, high performance, reliability and being more economical than other hosting.
Windows Hosting
Windows hosting is a type of internet hosting that has the Windows operating system and can run the ASP, ASP.NET application language without any problems. Windows hostings can run PHP, but it does not run well on Windows servers. For example, the htAccess file does not work. This type of hosting has the ability to run HTML, javascript, java and flash. If you have a site with MS Access or MsSQL database and want it to run smoothly and stably, we recommend Windows hosting.