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Xenforo compatible hosting

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Our performance hosting packages are xenforo compatible and prepared for your high-hit websites. Our highest level package has 6 GB RAM, 6 core CPU and 100% CPU usage. Our hosting packages are fully xenforo compatible and high instant transaction queries can be made in our packages.

Please Click the Link Below for Our Hosting Packages.


What is Xenforo?

First of all, Xenforo is a ready-made forum program. As it is known, the program, which is similar to the forum program called Vbulletin, works in a much different way. It was created by Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan, two of Vbulletin's best and oldest programmers.

The program, coded as PHP, is seen as the Vbulletin option. Zend Framework library was used in its construction. Zend library, optimized for performance, uses css & javascript & ajax technologies and is SEO friendly.

Since Xenforo is a paid program, not every site owner can obtain a license. However, when we look at Vbulletin's license prices, we can see that it is more ideal and better. For XenForo, which also has Turkish language support, there is a translation that covers 99% of the user interface and 80% of the administrative part.

You can easily switch from vBulletin 4.0 or 3.8 series to xenForo, vBulletin's biggest competitor and option, without any loss. Many Vbuleltin users are slowly switching to xenforo.

Durable themes and plugins continue to be gradually prepared for Xenforo. This being the case, the number of users is gradually increasing. Since there are many forum sites using Vbulletin, some large forums are slowly moving towards xenforo.

Since creating themes for Xenforo is difficult and problematic, many themes cannot be prepared.